I first need to say thank you to the anon poster on my formspring page that asked me this question. I answered it, and it got me to thinking: most people would have no idea why I found those things I listed annoying. I mean Some are pretty simple but others are my own little quirks and things.
So I thought I'd elaborate a bit. :P This was my list of pet peeves, and I might actually expand this list and add a few more. *Off track a bit*- this is exactly why I decided to do a personal blog. You can only put so much on those formspring questions before people get bored and stop reading. Formspring should be a quick Q&A so this blog allows me the freedom to ramble on all I want. :D I also thought by doing this blog people might get to know who I really am, and perhaps lay off the snotty comments and rude questions on FS. Well...at least one can hope anyways. SO on with my list of pet peeves and why they bug me so much. 1. I hate the sound of teeth grinding. Shaggy grinds his teeth in his sleep and it's the most bone chilling sound I've ever heard a human make! Then he passed along this little annoying habit to our youngest son, Hayden. Have you ever heard something so disturbing that you actually shivered? That's what little tiny toddler teeth grinding does to me. It's just the most insane sound ever. It's worse than nails on chalk board! I swear it is. I don't think a dentist would make a mouth piece for a three year old, but believe me I'd be willing to try it! What bugs me the most is that Shags got a mouth piece to prevent it (he's actually broken teeth and had to have the tips rebuilt!), but he never wears it.
2. The sound of a dog licking anything. It's SO freaking nasty. I cannot stand the sound of a dog licking things, toys, it's dog bowl, it's ass! Just whatever. It's the most annoying sound. My dogs love to annoy me with this at the worst time ever. In the middle of the night, just after I lay down to go to bed, I can hear a little *slurp, sloop, flick, slobber, slurp* ARRRGH!! A quick "SHUT UP!" usually stops the noise, but I'm already shivering and 'ewwing' so bad I can't sleep. 3. The sound of someone eating is annoying. Not just the open-mouth-smacking noises, I mean just normal eating. Now, some people can eat quietly and that doesn't bug me...but some people (ohhhh lord, some people) make these weird little internal-closed-mouthed little smacking, slurping noises when they eat, and I will be honest...it makes me want to donkey punch them in the face. lol, I know...abusive much.. but honestly the sound just makes my skin crawl!
4. When people don't put their basket back in the buggy barn. OMG would it honestly kill your ass to walk 20feet to take it back to the buggy barn? (some people call it a corral or "the thingy the basket go in" LOL). It's SO annoying and rude. I don't want your stray basket hitting my car. Sure if you have a piece of shit car maybe you won't mind a ding....well I don't drive a piece of shit car, and to be honest there are lots of nice cars in the parking lot, so don't be a jerk. What gets me the most, is when I see someone who is parked right NEXT to the buggy barn and the STILL push their basket off to the side then drive off...leaving the basket in the middle of the parking space so that when someone else pulls into that spot, they have to stop halfway in, get out, move the basket and then park. Half the people I see doing this crap wouldn't hurt from a work out. 5. When people ride my bumper through town. It annoys me to NO END when people get right on my ass. I'm following the speed limit, if you're in that much of a hurry....PASS ME. Seriously, two lanes dude.....pick one! I always do a 'break check'. :D The 'ol speed up a bit to get some space then TAP THE BREAKS. People freak out and usually back the HELL off. I'm a bit nervous to do that in my new car though...last thing I want is some knucklehead running into my car, but honestly it wakes them up a bit. Sends a pretty clear message too, "Get OFF my ass". I have seen those bumper stickers that say "If you're able to read this- get off my ass", but I don't want to put bumper stickers on my car...tempting though. Some are a bit more um...rude than the "get off my ass" one. Some are down right funny.
6. I cannot stand people that let their dogs run around with out a leash. I take the time to put a leash on my dogs so that they don't run off, or attack shit. Like cats, birds, squirrels, lawn ornaments that should be set on fire anyways...ya know, cause it's polite. I really cannot stand the assholes that let their dogs run around with out a leash and then they actually have the nerve to get pissed off at *me* when their dogs come yapping up in my dogs faces. Most of the time it's these little rat dogs (more commonly known as chihuahuas), I swear half of them act rabid. At least my dogs are pretty chill about it. Patch (a 75lb catahoula leopard dog) just looks at this little peons like- "No, seriously...do you want to cross that line snack pack?" I have the best damn dogs, they have massive self control. And most people around here complain about stray cats. Yeah...you don't see stray cats run up to dogs and pick a fight, unless....they have a death wish. *Off topic* I always imagine cats have a French accent....no idea why, but I swear if a cat could talk, he would have a French accent. No doubt about it. I can just hear a cat...
sitting in his front yard (or more likely his neighbor's front yard after having left a 'present' in the neighbor's flower bed), watching with interest as I walk my dogs past. The cat flicks his tail back and forth and says: "Yes my slobber bucket friends, I know you see me. I know you want to chase me...but alas you steww-pid doggies are tethered to your masters. **evil cat laugh here** I have no master! I am rule of ALL you see." *yes i realize this is nuts, but honestly next time you see a cat lounging around in someones yard, look him right in the eyes and TELL ME he's not thinking evil twisted thoughts ...in a French accent.
So these are my pet peeves. I'm sure I have more but honestly, this blog is long enough don't you think? Well...I do, and besides I have soooo much laying around being lazy time to catch up on and frontierville requests to send out and bug people with. So for now I will leave you with this adorable picture of exactly what I think of when I see a cat. Well maybe not exactly what I think of but it's pretty darn cute...no? :) Catch y'all laters and have a great weekend.