Abstinence Only?! Give me a break!
Today Kyle handed me a permission form for an abstinence only class at school. Seriously? Abstinence only people? Do I even need to say it? I will anyways- Abstinence only programs DO NOT WORK! Don't believe me? Memphis-90 pregnant teens-one school! 'Nuff said. Sure waiting is something I will encourage, but let me make myself clear here....waiting until marriage? Not so much. Why? Because it's unrealistic for someone to do so. This is someone you will be married to for the rest of your life, right? Well I don't know about you but I'm not buying the car with out taking it for a test
drive. I don't expect any less from my kids. There is no way I'd want them to hold out and then be completely disappointed if they are not a sexually compatible couple after the vows are said. Sex is a very important part of a marriage, of a relationship. If the sex isn't good, the relationship suffers. I don't mean my children should be screwing everything they see and then picking the one they have the hottest sex with to marry. I'm saying that I understand how important sex is to a couple and that finding the right person that you can not only laugh with, that you can count on, that you can trust and care for...but having great sex with is part of the ideal package. I also do not want my kids not having any idea about the WHYS you should wait till you're emotionally ready. Notice I said EMOTIONALLY, not 'till you're married'. I want them to know how to protect themselves, I want them to know about all forms of protection, diseases, babies and what's involved with pregnancy and parenting. I want them to have ALL the knowledge they can. I just don't agree with the religiously charged "wait till marriage- abstinence only" bullshit! And if that makes me unpopular I really don't get a fuck. At least I know my kids will be smarter than the average clueless virgin!
Couldn't agree more, Jae :)