Oh wow...I've not updated my blog in a long long time. I'm sorry about that. I've been so busy with the kids this summer and all the crazy things that's happened. Okay where to start. Well let's finish up May. We spent a ton of time at my bff's house. Nicole and Bob have been going through a lot. They've done a lot of fertility treatments trying to have a baby, and it's been so difficult for them. May was a hectic month for them. The medications and shots and doctor appointments 5 hours away in San Antonio, and on top of that, she's also a Yorkie and Pomeranian breeder. So she had two litters of puppies while all this was going on. I was there at her house all the time helping w/the puppies and then taking care of them while she was out of town for doctor visits. In late May she had to spend two weeks in San Antonio to prepare for her first IVF treatment and so I was caring for a litter of puppies and her adult dogs while she was gone. One of her puppies (named Ethan) started looking sick and lethargic. Poor baby. His condition started to worry me, so I brought him over to my house to stay w/me over night. The next day he was worse so I took him to Nicole's vet and they said he was having trouble with hypoglycemia. I got him started on a calorie booster and we tried different foods. He perked up really good. I was giving him the calorie booster every 2 hours and an antibiotic every 4hours. It was a rough week, up every two hours to give meds and offer foods, but little Ethan pulled through. :) He bounced back and made a full
recovery. Such a sweet baby. Laney was so happy to have a puppy in the house and begged her daddy relentlessly to keep him. Nicole was very grateful for my help, and offered me a future discount price on a puppy. :) I'll definitely think about it. Maybe with a male yorkie or a male yorkeranian (a mix of the yorkie and Pomeranian). Ethan is a mix. He was such a cutie, and I was so glad he pulled through. He was the runt of the litter. So sweet, and cuddly and I think even Kevin learned to really love him. Ethan sure loved Kevin and I think that helped melt his heart a bit. haha. Evil I know but I am so ready to start my own breeding program. I will be breeding Havanese (and eventually Coton de Telear). Well...one day right? *sigh* At the moment 4 dogs is about all this little house can handle. In June several things went down. 1st my dad went through his second back surgery and then some dental work. He works SO hard and I wish he would slow down a bit, but that's just not in the "Shaw DNA". He's a hard working good 'ol boy and will be till the end. He was back at work 2 weeks after surgery, which I found amazing! He's my hero, always will be. I am such a daddy's girl. I never was as a teenager, but being grown up and living life sure changes your views on things. He is a strong and caring man, someone who I know that I can always depend on and who will always be there for me. Around the first part of June my grandmother went through some dental surgery as well. My grandmother is a tough tough lady. 80 years old and just as feisty as can be! LOL I love my grandmother's no nonsense attitude, and tell-it-like-it-is way of speaking. She's tough as nails, but a dear sweet woman at the same time. Her health is declining, and it saddens me terribly so, but I know that she's lived a fabulously long life and is such a great person. I am SO grateful that she is still here, in my life and the lives of my children! It's not many people that can say they knew their great-grandmother well, but my kids are lucky enough to be able to say it. In mid June we went to my Family reunion, (my dad's side of the family). We had a BLAST! The kids swam all day and we visited and had our family auction (to raise funds for next year) and then had great BBQ.
My PapPa, Great Aunt Ann, Great Aunt Mary Alice, and my MeeMaw. |
It was great to see all my family again. It had been such a long time since I got to see everyone. Kevin was overseas last year so we didn't get to go to the reunion like I wanted to. It's so difficult to travel with 4 kiddos by myself. The boys got to see some of their favorite cousins again and the little ones got to meet some new baby cousins and Laney was over the moon about that. She just loves babies! The 4th of July was pretty anticlimactic. They didn't shoot the fireworks up high enough so people that weren't parked RIGHT on the lake couldn't see them. It sucked....big ones! We left half way through because the kids just didn't seem interested. Instead, we went to the store and got ice cream, popcorn, some candy, sodas and a ton of rented movies and had a movie night all night long! We put out sleeping bags on the living room floor and just camped out all night together. It was awesome! I'll rap this up now. I've got two more posts to put up to update you to the present. :) One on our trip to the Dinosaur Valley Park, and another about a health concern for me that some people on FS are asking me about but I've yet to answer. People I'm closest to on FS know what's going on, but I've never really answered direct questions so I've been getting this curious question due to some of my vague answers on other questions. okay well....hope all is well with everyone and everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of their summer. :)
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