My sister's baby shower was in October, and we had a great time! She got tons of things for the baby, and we had a nice cake, and the kiddos there played all over the place. This is how my family is...very "family friendly". i know of a lot of showers (some I've been to) where kids and spouses are not invited, it's just "the girls"...i find that ODD! I guess it's weird to me because my family always uses any celebration as an excuse to get together and have fun! :P
Me, My BIL Jeff, My sis Callie, and My Grandmother
So everyone was welcomed to this shower! Mine were like that too. I was assigned the task of writing every gift down in her baby book. Boy there was a ton of stuff, and my poor hand was so tired after it was all said and done. LOL. There was tons of pink of course, and then a few of Jeff's friends (Jeff is my brother-in-law) thought it would be funny to give Jeff and Callie (Callie is my sister) a few "just in case" gifts...ya know just in case the baby turns out to be a boy instead. LOL it was hilarious. They had so many
gifts that we had to load up their car and others to get it all back to their house. I really enjoyed seeing my sissy. The last time she was pregnant i lived in Oklahoma and never got to see her during her pregnancy, i hated that. My sissy has been having some pretty strong braxton-hicks contractions over the last 2 weeks now. Just last night she texted me saying that she was having good contractions every 10mins or so....but they eventually went away. I think she's getting close!! She's due on Nov 21st. (the day after my bff's bday too!) but i think she might go into full blown labor next week/weekend!!!! I cannot wait to see my new little niece! I'm so excited, and I'm hoping for another little redhead! :) We need another little redheaded girl in the family. haha.
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