Xmas was great. We traveled to my Aunt's house in Dublin (Texas not Ireland, lol) and had a xmas dinner w/family on the 18th of Dec. I got a great surprise that day too! Brandon was there! I couldn't believe it. I got Brandon for Thanksgiving this year, so his dad was to have him for xmas.
My mom and dad live in Austin, Brandon lives about 1 1/2 hours away with his dad in San Antonio (he's a teenage boy who wanted to spend more time w/his dad so please don't annoy me with questions on FS about why my son CHOOSES to live with his dad at the moment. I had him for the first 10 yrs of his life, he's only been with his dad for the last 3 yrs....it's a 'guy thing' he tells me. so no rude stuff okay?). anyways, so they drove down and picked him up the night before the family dinner and then brought him up! i was SO EXCITED to see him! i almost cried. :)
Xmas at the house was great, the kids loved their gifts and had tons of fun. i am SO late about getting xmas pics uploaded. they are still on my digital camera...ugh! But there is a reason for that delay.
now we get to the shitty parts-
first Kevin's deployment was moved up 3 days. So we lost a whole weekend to spend together before he left. He was on base from 5am to 8pm EVERY day the last week he was here doing out processing, and paperwork. since he's the deployment team leader (highest ranking, and in charge) he had to make sure that everything for the rest of the troops going with him on his team was in order. and of course some stupid shit airmen didn't have their shit done!
so he has to LOSE time w/his family to get their shit in order. When i see these two assholes I'll let them have a piece of my fucking mind. THEY didn't have to leave early, ONLY Kevin because he's the team leader. so while THEY got to go out and party it up....i lost quality time w/my husband.
so Kevin left for Vegas the first week of Jan. He will be there for 3weeks (he's on his 2nd week now) and then he and his team will deploy overseas. At the current time he's going to Kuwait, BUT they may not stay there...i have no idea where or when. but it might change.
He then calls me a couple days ago to say that his deployment will be extended another month. SO the total time he will be away is 8months. 3 weeks for training, 7months deployed overseas, 1-2weeks out processing and in processing and then he's home. So he might not be home till late July or mid August....it's a toss up.
So what's been going on besides that?
tons of shit.
mainly, my chronic pain. I've had pain in my feet for over a year. Now I'm not talking about 'ohh my feet hurt i was on them all day, lemme soak them and I'll be good'. I'm talking- SO BAD i can barely walk. I've not been able to work out like i want because of it, and forget walking the dogs, it's not possible. it is extremely painful to just walk to the bathroom! So i had an appointment w/the quacks on base (who blow me off constantly with my concerns and have for the last year now), and i finally screamed at them. GET ME A FUCKING REFERRAL OFF BASE NOW! I was on crutches that day. finally the PCM approved a referral and i got an appointment set up with a podiatrist. He told me what i already knew, but the base refused to treat....I have plantar fasciitis. But he also told me i have what is called Morton's Neuroma. Basically- i have inflamed tissue, inflamed muscle, tendons and nerve damage so bad i cannot walk correctly, and have uncontrollable pain.
I was on pain killers for a week waiting for my appointment w/the podiatrist who did one thing the base morons didn't....he took Xrays. my feet muscles and tendons look like they've been in a blender. and i have scared tissue that is making it worse that is due to the base's non-treatment (typical- reference the blog about Kevin's shoulder for more on their lack of care).
So i was scheduled for physical therapy. today was my first day. The guy said i had the worst case of non-treatment he's ever seen in someone that saw a doctor regularly for over year for this, and they SHOULD have done something a LONG time ago.
On top of this, i have had tons of other appointments, most recently with my dentist, where....upon an examination (after my semi-annual cleaning) they discovered i have a cracked filling. -_- really? i had to have a 25yr old filling crack....NOW? while all this other shit is going on AND Kevin is deployed? of course this had to happen when he is gone....this shit ALWAYS happens the second he leaves.

tons of other shit happened too. financial crap. i got a letter claiming that legal action was going to be taken against me and Kevin for a delinquent bill. I was like....WHAT delinquent bill? we don't have delinquent bills. so i called the number on the letter (snail mail of course) to figure out what the hell was going on. It was a bullshit scare tactic some asshole law firm was using to get people freaked out enough to call them. they are a debt consolidation law firm. now i have NO problem with debt cosolidation places, they help lots of people, but to purposely and falsey mislead someone (basically tricking them) into calling and setting up a payment plan for your bills w/them? that is by FAR the most nasty trick i've EVER seen a law firm do...and ive seen some creepy shit. i dont have deliquent bills, what i have is understandable debt- i.e. a mortgage and car payment. NEITHER of which have ever been deliquent, but they do this scare tactic to try and get you to use their services.
i have never cussed anyone out like that before in my life. and i mean....i let that son of a bitch have it!

so the next stupid thing that happened...
i paid our electric bill for last billing cycle on the 13th of January. didn't notice anything weird...so i went about my day. the next day rolls around and i get in the mail a BILL from something called Xoom energy. turns out Xoom energy STOLE my account from my current electric company after the last billing cycle was over and was claiming us as costumers. it's called a forced switch AND it's illegal in Texas. So i spent the entire day on the phone. i called my electric company and told them so they said- no worries we'll get you switched back in a jiff.
I then called Xoom energy and bitched them out, and said i'd be reporting them to the BBB and the Texas Utility Commission and the County DA's office. They flipped out. ....oh fuckin well. they "claim" we switched, BULL...SHEEEEEOT!
even my current electric company was like- WTF ever, they did a forced switch it's in black and white. so they faxed me the info i needed send to the BBB, TUC, and the DA.
ohhh when you piss me off i don't just come after you...i cut off your HUEVOS!
so that got fixed. sigh. I'm tired.
So right now...i have another physical therapy appointment on Friday, Laney's bday to get ready for, the tax return to get back, yet another new puppy to add to my breeding program, more physical therapy appointments, a re-eval with my podiatrist, my dentist appointment to replace my filling, Kyle's bday to get ready for...plus his drivers test coming up to get his official license, more physical therapy, Brandon's bday to get ready for.....and a partridge in a pair tree!!
Wish me luck!
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