Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Showers? They ain't kiddin'!

So April is turning out to be the crazies month this year so far. I have so much going on right now, (hence my lack of blogging) that my head is spinning. Let's see if I can explain all this with as little trouble as possible. First I'll start with Kevin. -Sigh- So Kevin has been having pain in his shoulder for over a year now. He kept going to the docs on base (who by the way are complete baboons when it comes to anything!) and they tell him that he has bicep tendonitis. They give him mild pain pills, and anti inflammatory meds. The pain comes and goes over the last year and he keeps going back to the doctor- over and over and over. Same shit, bicep tendonitis.
This last time Kevin was had a weekend off and he was in a lot of pain, more so than usual. I told him..PLEASE go to the Medicenter or the ER, DO NOT go to the base again! Those doctors are idiots and obviously don't give a rats ass about what is going on.
So off to the Medicenter he went. 4 hours later, he was home w/pain medication and a premature diagnosis of 'shoulder impingement syndrome'- (a bone spur of the shoulder).
AH HA! (I thought) now we can get this fixed and I can yell at some docs on base for being dipshits for over a year. Logically if someone has chronic pain for over a year you'd DO A DAMN XRAY! They failed to do so, and because of that Kevin suffered for so long w/this pain. I hate military docs. They can all go jump off a cliff for all I care for their "medical opinions".
Finally we have a diagnosis. He was scheduled to see an orthopedic specialist to confirm the bone spur, and sure enough it was then "official". He was scheduled for surgery after that and then he waited 2 long weeks. The week before surgery he was not allowed to take any pain meds that would thin his this last week has been hell for him. Today I dropped him off at the Outpatient Surgery Center at 6am. I wanted to stay, but it's just not practical to have 2 toddlers running around a hospital waiting room for hours on end. So 6 hours later I get a call from the doctor that did the surgery. As it turns out, due to the military docs utter LACK of concern, the damage to Kevin's shoulder is pretty extensive. He has muscle tears in his bicep and torn tendons in his shoulder as a result of the spur and their lack of treating it properly. A 2 hour operation lasted 5 hours. He will be in a sling for over a month, and probably have some muscle atrophy and stiffness. He will most likely have to see a physical therapist to help him regain movement in the arm once out of the sling since it will be immobile for so long.
I SO beyond pissed off. This all could have been avoided if those complete ASSHOLES up at the base actually cared for their troops. I have to say, if you or someone you love is thinking about joining the military....and you have issues w/pain or whatnot and the military clinic doesn't seem to be getting to the bottom of it, GO TO THE ER or a TriCare approved Medicenter after hours! Have a REAL doctor look at you.

The other thing we are dealing with is Kyle. He's had a stomach ache every time he eats for a while now. At first I thought maybe he was just eating too fast. Then I thought maybe it was just heartburn, but I realized that he was almost every time we ate dinner. I asked him if it did this at school (during lunch) and he said yes. He can eat a little, then his stomach hurts so bad he has to go lay down. We took him to the ER, they ran blood tests and all the rigmarole and turns 15 year old CHILD probably has ulcers!! Ulcers!? Crazy.
So he has an appointment tomorrow with a jackass doc on base to get a referral for a gastrointestinal specialist. They do not have a specialist in town that will see anyone under the age of 18. The peds gastro doctor lives in Austin and he makes a trip here once a month.  We can't make an appointment with the specialist until the stupid base doctor signs off on a referral. So we see a doc tomorrow, then wait a week to get the damn referral in the mail, THEN we can make the appointment for the doc in Austin to come down and see Kyle. Thing is....his office said he doesn't have any openings till June or July. He will have an MRI done, and if it's ulcers...they more than likely will do surgery. -sigh- so much surgery! So as of right now they have him on some medications to help with the pain and inflammation. So far, so good, but he has his good days and his bad days.
Also, we are trying to get our house ready to be put on the market to sell. Nothing major needs to be done, just the normal tedious crap- painting, decluttering, depersonalizing, staging and decorating. And all this while I have a husband laid up with surgery and a son that has bad pain. This month is so daunting! I hate showing a house. Strange people walking in my home looking at my's creepy. BUT we need a larger home, we are just packed in here like sardines! 
And then my dear BFF will be having her first IVF procedure on the 21st of April. I'm hoping that things go well and they work out for her. I know she'd make a great mom...and I wish her all the best!
And lastly, my grandmother hurt her leg the other day. She's been to the ER and she will have a CAT scan to make sure there are not blood clots or breaks. For the time being she is resting. Just so much going on. Too much. I cant take much more, I really can't. I can juggle lots of shit...but right now...I really need a vacation!



  1. Dear Jae,

    omg! i'm sooo sorry all these medical problems are occuring at once! dayyum those drs that destroyed your poor hub's body, do i hear the phrase...lawsuit? i'd be alllllllllllloveritttttt!

    the real urgent reason i friended you so i could comment is because of what's happening w/Kyle!!! the same exact thing happened to MEE last holiday/dec/nov!!! i thought it was gallbladder etc! pain not even manageable w/the narcotics i take for the kidneys! FINALLY had endoscopy done 5 wks ago!!! severe GASTRITIS, while ev one ELSE w/gastritis's inner tummy are pink as a baby's butt? mine was cherry RED! the gastro dr said "gastritis does not cause pain", that's just not true! so my concern for Kyle is this "waiting" period! if he is pos for H Pylori he could already HAVE ulcer/ulcers!! these can bleed & become life-threatening! i came up H Pylori neg, mine was from taking too much Ibu :( so i would advise that he atleast stay away from any; advils, ibu, naproxen, celexa, motrin, etc!!! it can turn deadly serious sooo quickly & i just wanted you to know this! the other aspect is "chronic severe pain as a child" & IF they negate what he says & they say "he's NOT in pain? GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!! bring him up here to Mass General or Beth Israel, any of the great Boston hospitals. i spent the first 19 yrs in demerol/dilaudid-level pain, the drs telling my parents; "it's all in her head, give her an enema & take her to a shrink" oh Jae, if ONLY that dr was still ALIVE, i'd have taken ev thing from him! it was ME that figured out it was my kidney! by the time they did surgery on my L one, he said it was like operating on wet toilet paper" :O can you even beLIEVE that??? needless to say, both kidneys are chronic now, i have been on narcotics for 4 yrs, i am a slave to my heating pad, um, what else, for this once vibrant 48 yr old? i have 0% muscle mass, frail fragile, sometimes having to wear diaper, bedsore on right hipbone from bedridden. needless to say, if i were wealthy this would NOT be happening to me. i mean, i was INpatient last month, i kept making the nurses feel my ball-joint bone-where hip & leg connect, then made them wrap thumb & forefinger around my femur (thigh-bone), its as big as my upper arm should be. since my parents couldn't be "advocates" for me, back in the late 60s drs were seen as gods, who did no wrong, no one questioned them. You be Kyle's advocate, hell, be a WARRIOR for him!!! he's just a boy, he needs you :) he's very lucky<3 so pursue pursue pur-fukn-sue!!!
    i didn't mean to overwhelm you in one msg. i have a HUGE question!!! above where i am commenting, it says, " comments, post a comment", plzzzz, i beg of you, tell me WHAT FONT THAT IS???????????? i even printscreened it & compared it to my "2peasSunshine" and "Honeylight" fonts,nogo :( i shall be forEVER greatful if you share this info. also, within this whole "using cool fonts on blogger", did you buy "type-kit"? i'm wondering if THAT's why i cant name your font. type-kit sounds great!

    k, have a peaceful weekend, w/TONS on ur plate! moving?? Bless you sweetest! be kind to yourself, sue for your husband, only if you want, and be Kyle's warrior :)

    i will sign out w/my NEWest name ;) i've not been able to stay with one & then do it legally, i keep changing my mind :(

    first it was Jiinxsay Lee, then Kysa-Lee, now i've moved into the "fairy" world, so it's 'tween these 2 names, all my Love to you & your fam,

    Faerya Le Shay OR Faerya Sia Le Fay

    ps~gonna go see your name pg, will await your response re; fab font <3

    1. Blogger hasn't notified me of these comments, on here, which is SO annoying! so i'm like a YEAR late in responding! SUCKAGE!
      he ended up having IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) he's doing good on correct meds.
      i only wish you could sue, but you can't sue the US govnerment (AF) when you're a member of it. they'd have kicked him out on a medcial reason and then we'd be left in the cold.

      he's doing fine now after his surgery. course ive had my own medical issues since i wrote this. and omg dont get me started on Laney's hernia surgery which i think was before this blog. much surgery

      i had my gallbladder removed. scary stuff. i hate surgery, it scares me to be knocked out and at the mercy of strangers. butt nakid on a table. just ICK!
      my dad is dealing w/medical stuff too lately. mostly his teeth. he had a BAD accident when he was about 19 or 20. he had reconstructive surgery on his face, all his teeth were knocked out so he'd had dentures for years. they wanted to put new permanent vaneeres (spelling?) in but he kept getting an infection. just horrid.

      my grandmotehr also had her teeth pulled and new ones made but they look HORRID! i want to bitch slap the dentist that did it. they are HUGE, too big for her mouth, it totally changes the way she looks, and it's SO strange to me. i dont understand why they did that to her. fucking medicaid/medicare.
      feels like we're all getting older and breaking down more...imma blame processed hormone induced foods. (LOL).
      hope you're doing better!!

      the's called CALLIGRAFFITTI.
      i found it under the ADVANCED tab on the design mode of the blog. i picked "BLOG TITLE" and picked my font.
      and there are other areas you can change font too.
