Sunday, April 22, 2012

An apology.....well sorta

So the whole stupid thing w/my sister-in-law and brother has hopefully ended. I really am not sure to be honest. After all that mess went down over the stupid FB posts I texted my brother. We texted back and forth for over 2 hours. I thought we had resolved things.
Last week I got a note in the mail from my sister-in-law. She sent me an apology of sorts.
It was basically saying she had assumed too much from my posts and she should have just asked what I meant first before flipping shit on me.

The problem with this lovely little letter of hers was that she was extremely defensive.
for 6 paragraphs I was assaulted by her excuses and fake compliments and passive agressive assumptions about me. I really wish she would just shut up.

The finer points of her letter in which I speak of (concerning my atheism) included the phrases:
"I know that this is your personal choice".

my response?
1. My beliefs are not "personal choice". They are my beliefs. Much in the same way that your beliefs aren't a personal choice but that they are a core belief that you have faith is the truth, and that its unshakable and unchangeable. *That* is how I feel about my beliefs. "Choice" in this case to me, indicates a possibility for change. My beliefs are as constant for me as your own are for you.

Her second point in the letter that really rubbed me the wrong way:
"I hope one day you can share your story with me (I know you've been through a lot) and even your "religious scars".

my response:
2. I do not have a story or "religious scars". I grew up in the same home with your husband, my dear brother. I went to the same church as him, had friends there like him, listened to the same lessons and sermons as him, and was raised by the same parents as him. I don't have to have been a traumatized, bitter, angry, or scarred person to have the beliefs that I do. I came to them as surely and as peacefully as I'm sure you did about your own beliefs.

I finished up my response back with:

I do thank you for your apology. I don't, however, think I'll be discussing this any further than I have already. I have built a bridge, and gotten over it.


I really hope this just ends it. I have no desire to talk with someone about what I believe and do not believe when they have already made assumptions about me and how I feel. It was such a slap in the face to get that damn letter. I sent that response just as it is and that is all on an email I never use anymore. I do not plan to check it anytime soon for a reply. I have nothing more to say to her.
I'm done. I'm letting it go. I don't need to validate myself through her acceptance. I don't need her acceptance. And I know that will just twist her shit sideways and back again. I'm very sorry she's that way, but there is nothing I can do more at this point.

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